Yongnuo RF-603 flash tranceiver range test
I tried to compare the new Yongnuo RF-603 tranceiver against a Pocket Wizard Flex on a range shoot out.
Camera : Canon 50D + 70-200 IS f2.8L @ 200mm
Flash : 580exII
Triggers : PW flex / YN RF-603

For this test I will be using the PW tranceiver over the transmitter because it has an antenna for longer range. also I will be setting the PW to manual power, so no TTL.

I was not sure if it is because of the complex signals that the PW use, but the Yongnuo easily outranges the PW. The Yongnuo has been nothing but reliable, great range, but my only complain about it is the lack of lock on the foot, it sometimes drops or will not seat and contact well because of this.
Camera : Canon 50D + 70-200 IS f2.8L @ 200mm
Flash : 580exII
Triggers : PW flex / YN RF-603

For this test I will be using the PW tranceiver over the transmitter because it has an antenna for longer range. also I will be setting the PW to manual power, so no TTL.

More to come